If you read my blog, thanks. I'm guessing there's a decent number of you that read my sister's blog, too (Notes from the W.G., see sidebar for link.) And some may even remember my son's short-lived blog from late 2007, which was better than either my sister's blog or mine.
But my ma would be the greatest blogger of the family. A natural. She forwarded this by email, which was sent to them by one of my Dad's old army buddies, about Thanksgiving in France during the big one. Enjoy.
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This is from Dad's friend (B.O.) in the 99th and describes their Thanksgiving just a week or so after Dad left for the hospital with his frozen feet. They were a bunch of miserable kids - 18-22 years old. Hard to imagine, isn't it?

"Sixty-four years ago, in First Army defensive positions in Belgium facing the Siegfried Line, we took turns from our foxholes to go back to our kitchen area for Thanksgiving dinner. We'd been hearing that all the companies along the line would be having roast turkey with all the trimmings. It was cold and raining, and as we passed down the chow line and held our mess kits out for our turkey dinner, the cooks lobbed in mashed potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce and boiled turkey, plus pudding--all piled together in the mess kit. We had to eat standing under the fir trees of the Ardennes Forest with rain dripping from our helmets into our already-mixed-up meal. Our cooks had never been known to get any awards for their culinary prowess, but that was inexcusable! This occasion could not be considered a great Thanksgiving, but it was certainly unforgettable!And we could still be thankful for life...so.....
Let us give thanks."
Indeed, B.O. Thanks a million.
It is inspiring to think about what those kids did, isn't it?
I am going to let B.O. know that you used this in your blog. He is a great guy!
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